Marcia Ann Hyde (nee Bennett) (nee Domaschenz)
Service Details
Tuesday 13 March, 10:30 am
15.9.1941 – 3.3.2018.Passed away peacefully on Saturday 3 March, at Gandarra Palliative Care Unit, aged 76. Loved daughter of Don and Beryl (both dec). Precious sister to Clive. Dearly loved mother to Daryl, Tricia, Wayne and Gary. Loved grandma of fourteen grandchildren, and great grandma of four great grandchildren. Former spouse of Des. Loving wife to Michael (dec).
Relatives and friends of the late Mrs. Marcia Ann Hyde are advised that her Funeral Service is appointed to take place in the Outdoor Fernery Chapel (weather permitting) at the Doveton Park Funeral Centre, 1251 Doveton Street North, Ballarat on TUESDAY March 13, 2018 commencing at Ten-thirty (10:30) am. Please bring a chair.
In lieu of flowers, donations to Ballarat Hospice Care Inc. https://ballarathospicecare.