Maria ‘Reit’ Ida Brinkman
Service Details
Wednesday 12 December, 10:00 am
30.5.1932 – 4.12.2018. Born in Arnhem, Holland. Loved wife of Arie (dec). Loving mother of Silvia, Jeannette (Nettie), John, and Adriaan, Mother-in-law of Tony and Suzanne. Oma of Bailey, Emily and Tom. Great Grand mother of Billie, Jimmy and Anna.
Relatives and friends of the late Mrs Maria ‘Reit’ Ida Brinkman are advised that her Funeral Service is appointed to take place at the Outdoor Fernery Chapel, (Weather permitting) 1251 Doveton Street North, Ballarat on WEDNESDAY December 12, 2018 commencing at Ten (10:00) am.
Following refreshments the cortege will leave for the Bellbrae Cemetery, Cemetery Road, Bellbrae for a 2.00pm burial.