“When a death occurs many emotions will be felt. Most people do not have any experience arranging a funeral and may feel unsure of what to do. We are here to support you and answer the many questions you will have. My family has been caring for bereaved families since 1948 in providing professional funeral services. While we have the care of your family, we support you by allowing the time required together, to arrange the funeral that is appropriate to honour the life that has been lived. Together with a dedicated staff, we are constantly striving for excellence in everything that we do, to build on the treasured memories that your family hold, long after a funeral service ends. This information is provided to offer advice and guidance with arranging a funeral. We will always be here to assist you and your family. Every family is important. Every funeral is important.”
– Paula Tobin –
Our role
Our role as funeral directors is to assist and guide you through all the procedures following a death. We will arrange all of the details necessary to fulfil your funeral requirements. It is advisable to contact us as soon as possible, so that we may begin to advise and support you and your family with the arrangements.
Most deaths occur in a hospital or nursing home and generally the hospital staff will take care of the legal and medical necessities contacting the treating doctor. When someone dies at home, the treating Doctor needs to be contacted usually by family members, hospice nurse or your funeral director. Legally a medical certificate of death must be signed by your doctor. When we have confirmation that your doctor is able to sign the death certificate, we will arrange to transfer the deceased to our premises at Doveton Park.
Should the doctor be unable to ascertain the cause of death, or in the case of sudden or accidental death where a doctor cannot issue a certificate, the deceased should not be moved or disturbed. In these circumstances the Coroner’s Office will make the arrangements for the transfer of the deceased. To establish the cause of death usually a post-mortem examination is required. Funeral arrangements can proceed while awaiting the Coroners investigation. We are able to provide more information detailing the Coroners process if required. Later, at an agreed convenient time we will meet with your family to discuss the arrangements for the funeral.
The Value of a Funeral
The holding of a funeral today is probably more important than ever before.
Although death will inevitably come to us all, in today’s world it is a subject rarely discussed and consequently not well understood. This makes it difficult for us to cope when it occurs.
Our modern society has trivialised or removed death from our everyday lives and made the experience of dying more and more alien to us. We do not know what to expect, how to deal with our fears, feelings and hesitancies or bring comfort to either the dying or the bereaved.
Funerals are a way of expressing our beliefs, thoughts and feelings about the death of someone we love.
It is a way in which we can say goodbye and commemorate their life in a meaningful ceremony.
Help us acknowledge that someone we love has died
Help us remember the person who has died and to share these memories
Affirms the value of our relationship with the deceased
Provide a support system for the family and friends
Allows us to search for a meaning of life and death